Who is suitable for the course?

  • Beginners in programming

Master Unity and your first programming language C#, game design. Gain knowledge in practice by creating your own games.

  • Gamers

Make a hobby your favorite profession. Learn how to turn ideas into projects and start a career in game design.

  • Beginner game developers

Systematize your knowledge and improve your professionalism by implementing 2D and 3D games in various genres.

Why Choose Us

  1. Live Communication. The course features 70% webinars with expert practitioners: you’ll be able to ask questions about a topic and get quick feedback. And personal mentors will help you with assignments.
  2. Guidance Materials. If you missed a lesson, you can always check out the syllabus in the study guide. There you’ll find all the materials broken down by topic.
  3. Team Workout. During the course, you and your classmates will work together to develop a game. You’ll practice your soft skills and develop your leadership skills.
  4. Support at all stages. Managers help you sign up for the course, get accustomed to the personal cabinet and solve technical difficulties.